

SampleSumo was founded at the end of 2007 by Koen Tanghe and has a strong background in R&D and software development in the music and audio technology domain.

We provide services to other companies and organizations, and also develop our own technologies and products.

Mission and vision

SampleSumo’s mission is to bring smart music & audio processing technology into the hands of end-users and companies through well-developed products and technology packages.

Up to recently, music has always been treated as a binary stream of audio samples that could only be interpreted in a meaningful way by humans. Recent scientific and technological developments have now made it possible to build algorithms that actually understand what is happening in the audio signal on a semantic level. SampleSumo’s vision is that this so called "machine listening" technology can enable companies and end-users to interact with music and audio in far more useful and fun ways than before, some of which may even be disruptive.

We are aiming to become an important world wide player regarding practical applications of smart audio processing technology, with a double focus:

  • to create marketable products built around smart music and audio processing technology
  • to provide other companies who lack the know-how in this domain with technology licenses and/or paid services


Our focus is mainly on the following market segments:

  • music production and performance
  • interactive multimedia and gaming
  • music education
  • advertising / branding
  • surveillance and monitoring

Company info

Registered address
SampleSumo BV
Geitstraat 68
B-9000 Ghent


Company number/VAT
VAT BE0893396031 - RPR Ghent

Web site

Social media
X (Twitter)